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CLORX was founded by five explorers: Christian (the leader), Larry, Oliver, Rob, and Xander. Since the day that they discovered planet CLORX, they decided that the government type would be a dictatorship. The five founders of planet CLORX would be the rulers of the whole planet. They also decided to be the rulers of the whole planet because since the planet is not as big as planet earth, it would be easier for them to govern the whole planet. Civilians are happy with their current dictatorship because everything is working fine and all civilians have better life qualities in planet CLORX.


Lately, the government has been having problems with neighboring planets. Gaozu planet democratic government (neighbor planet to CLORX) has heard about the dictatorship occurring in planet CLORX and want to go into planet CLORX and move out the five founders. The government of the Gaozu planet doesn’t know that the dictatorship in planet CLORX is actually bringing benefits to civilians and helping them a lot. This conflict has been bothering the government of planet CLORX and they have already sent various letters to planet Gaozu asking them to stop involving in planet CLORX. The government of planet CLORX has been dealing with this problem since they established the government.

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